Clueless the Musical
Feb 15, 2025 -Location: West End
Railway station: Charing Cross
Bus numbers: (Whitehall) 3, 11, 12, 24, 53, 88, 91, 159, 453; (Strand) 6, 9, 13, 15, 23, 29, 87, 139, 176
Night bus numbers: (Whitehall) 12, 24, 53, 88, 159, 453, N2, N3, N5, N11, N18, N20, N44, N52, N87, N91, N97, N109, N136, N155, N381 (Strand) 6, 23, 139, 176, N9, N13, N15, N21, N26, N29, N41, N47, N89, N279, N343, N551
Car park: The nearest Q-Park carpark is CHINATOWN, Newport Place WC2H 7PU.
Directions from tube: (5mins) Head left on the main road Strand. Follow Trafalgar Square around onto Whitehall and the theatre’s on your right.
The Trafalgar Theatre opened in the West End theatre in summer 2021. Named the Trafalgar Theatre, the playhouse combines the two smaller studio spaces at Trafalgar Studios: Trafalgar Studio One and Trafalgar Studio Two.
The Grade II listed Trafalgar Theatre will feature a new single auditorium, with a capacity similar to the Duke of York’s Theatre and the Vaudeville Theatre. Seating will be across two levels: the stalls and dress circle.
Jersey Boys is at the Trafalgar Theatre in London. The Trafalgar Theatre is located on Whitehall. It's close to the Garrick Theatre.
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