Frequently Asked Questions

Got a burning West End question? Find out the answers to your London theatre questions here. If you have a question about a booking, visit our Help Centre where you can get in touch with our team.

What’s the difference between West End theatres and Fringe theatres?

West End theatres and fringe theatres vary by size, seating capacity and location. Check out our guide to London theatres to discover more about West End, off-West End and fringe theatres in London.

What are previews? 

Previews are performances that allow the director and production team to make changes or for the cast to become settled in their part before the show is attended by theatre critics. Most productions have only a few days previews and do not normally change much, if at all. The general public can buy tickets for previews. You won't find much difference between a show in previews and when it is technically 'opened'!

How far in advance should I purchase London theatre tickets?

West End theatre tickets can be very popular, so we advise to book theatre tickets as early as possible. However, if you're looking to book last minute West End theatre tickets, many shows will have tickets for performances a few days in advance or even on the same day. 

Find out last minute theatre tickets in London here.

What are the best shows in London?

If you're visiting the West End for the first time, you may want to see one of the long-running productions in London. Check out our guides below for the best shows to see, and discover our top-reviewed shows here.

Top 10 musicals in London. Top 10 plays in London. Top 10 family-friendly shows in London.

Are London theatres open seven days a week?

The majority of London theatres have performances from Mondays - Saturdays, with a day off on Sunday. Theatres remain open as usual during Christmas, New Year and bank holidays. 

What should I wear to the theatre?

The simple answer is anything. Whatever you feel comfortable in is a perfect outfit for the theatre. We've put some handy tips and tricks for what to wear to a West End show. 

I have a booking question, who should I get in touch with?

If you have booked theatre tickets with and have a question about your booking, visit our Help Centre where you can get in touch with our team.