London Theatre Week

London Theatre Week has now ended but will return later this year! In the meantime, here are some shows at great prices.
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London Theatre Week has now ended, but will return later this year. We still have fantastic offers on some of London's hottest tickets, from the West End's incredible range of plays to long-running classics like The Lion King and The Book of Mormon. There is something for everyone on London Theatre.

Frequently asked questions

What is London Theatre Week?

London Theatre Week offers audiences incredible rates on some of London's top shows such as The Lion King and Frozen, starting from as little as £15.

When does London Theatre Week take place?

London Theatre Week is over. Check back later in the year when it returns.

How can I purchase tickets for London Theatre Week?

London Theatre is over but you can still buy tickets for shows at incredible prices on the London Theatre website.

How can I stay informed about upcoming London Theatre Week events and promotions?

To find out more about London Theatre Week, as well as other events and promotions, sign up to the London Theatre newsletter.

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